One plus one equals three
When was the last time you saw something for the first time? A lecture about innovation as a development tool, strategic means and a way of life.
Alex Padwa gründete 2004 Padwa Design Studio, spezialisiert auf Produkt- und Automobil-Design. Er ist Head des Industrial Design Departments am Shenkar College of Engineering and Design.
“Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.”
J.J. Rousseau
Lecture regarding innovation and product development:
One plus one equals three
When was the last time you saw something for the first time? When was the last time you had a new thought? Something that never crossed your mind before? Can you plan something spontaneous? Apart from answering these fascinating questions and others, the lecture will deal with the dark sides of innovation, the danger of our own intelligence, and the power of boredom. The lecture will present innovation* as a development tool, strategic means and a way of life.
Talk, Wednesday, 21 April 2010, 7pm