(Massive Open Online Courses)
MOOCs are globally accessible and theoretically open to an infinite number of participants. They provide traditional course materials and combine them with live sessions, in which participants can interact.
In a two-day event, designtransfer, the UdK Berlin Career College and the MOOC platform iversity will consider the question of whether such courses are suitable for the teaching of design knowledge and skills. The exhibited objects were designed by students of the MOOC Design 101.
The exhibition #blaueblumen in the Foyer at Einsteinufer 43 presents the results of the MOOC Design 101, an online introductory course to the practice of contemporary design. The course was offered on iversity.org by the Accademia di Belle Arti in Catania, Italy. On display are design objects created by the students. On 26 April, a workshop on “How To Design A MOOC” will be held. Stefano Mirti from the Accademia di Belle Arti and Gerald Hiller of iversity describe the basics and challenges of developing a MOOC. In a subsequent practical phase, the kparticipants and the Design 101 team will collaboratively develop ideas on what a MOOC in their respective fields might look like.
25 April 2014
6 pm: Introductory talks on MOOCs
with Susanne Hamelberg, UdK Berlin Career College and
Stefano Mirti, lecturer of the MOOC Design 101
followed by the Opening of the Design 101 exhibition #blaueblumen
26 April 2014
11 am – 4 pm: Workshop “How To Design A MOOC “ and
Design 101 exhibition #blaueblumen
In the additional workshop the team from Design 101 explains the basics and challenges in developing a MOOC.
For the workshop, please register at designtransfer@udk-berlin.de
Talks in english.
Design MOOC is a collaboration of designtransfer, the UdK Berlin Career College and iversity.org.
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