_ from the DO GOOD Project by ID1 (Industrial Design);
_ from the ID5 winter semester projects “Push or Pull – Design without the help of Graphic Aids” which acted as the communication point between objects and “amplify” them to “make the invisible visible” and at the same time, improve processes through greater transparency;
_ from the ID2 results of the project “Design Products for Sophie”: Design solutions for higher quality of daily life for people who live with a handicap, and “Cooking with the Left”, a project for cooking with only one hand;
_ from the Design Research Lab “Mobile Lorm Glove” – a communication device for deaf and blind people, “Neighborhood Labs – Design for Social Sustainability” and “Help Fabric – Emergency Textiles for Heart Attack Patients”;
_ from alumni Michael Jonas’s Diploma project “Moringa Kisima” which aims to cleanse water with Moringa seeds, and his campaign “O-tilities for Safer Sex” and educational concept on the topic of HIV/AIDS which he undertook in Ghana together with Mark Kwami and others.
_ from the exhibits on view from the “Index: Design to Improve Life Awards“, Copenhagen; among others: “LIFESTRAW, for mobile water purification“, JANMA a kit for controlling infection during birth, and „WASRA“, biodegradable, disposable tableware.
Exhibition: 6 June – 16 July 2012
Tuesday–Friday: 10am – 7pm
Foyer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43