• Simply One Circle

    How can humans be seen as an integral part of natural cycles and materials and products be designed to be circular, how can we find creative and constructive solutions, use old knowledge and do new research. During Berlin Design Week (8 – 17 May), the exhibition at designtransfer shows various creative approaches from the UdK Berlin – from semester projects to award-winning final works and successful start-ups.

    On display among others, urns made from coffee grounds, bricks made from cork, colorful tasters, expandable carpets, biodegradable rain capes by Weatherunderground and products by crafting plastics!

    9 May, 18:00: Vernissage with presentations

    17 May, 18:00: Finissage with Pop Up presentation one + one = one – Magic Moving Mechanisms, short project with Mathias Hahn / Design & Social Context

    Exhibition: 8 – 17 May, 12:00 – 18:00

    Projects: Design & Social Context: Kooperation mit BASF: one material, one product, Circular Design Challenge von What Design Can Do, Figurines!, Magazin, Conservation for Innovation; Design & Entwickeln: Hacking; Studioklasse Politics of Design; Klasse Kampagnen: The Change Project; Grafikdesign; geförderte Projekte des Creative Prototyping x Sustainability Stipendiums an der UdK Berlin


    Cristiano Picao + Max Funkat, Emma Tietze, Lukas Henneberger, Charlotte Marabito, Cathy Wolter, Johanna Karges, Jan Colomer, Max Haussmann, Theresa Schwaiger, Kim Kuhl, Lale Knapp + Nele Oetjens, Noelle Loke, Finn Sauter, Limeng Liu, Oscar Parkinson + Ernesto Ramirez, Luca Ortmann, Anja Jaca + Max O’Dell, Karoline Heyde, Emma Johann, Gabriel Knoop, Marla Gaiser, Iuliia Volokhina + Shilong Xu, Mattis Bettels, Ines Weigand + Katharina Schmidt, Deborah Schaper, Kallum Robinson, Lucy Rolbin + Pablo Torres, Kimia Amir-Moazami + Sany Chea, Georgie Legler + Louisa Wahler, Verena Michels (Weatherunderground), Vlasta Kubušová (crafting plastics!)

    Rest In Grounds©Lale Nele&Knapp Oetjens

    BreaZea © crafting plastics studio!

    Frischekasten © Georgia Legler & Louisa Wahler