• Playing Society: Games as a method

    What if there was a digital afterlife? What if we accepted polyamorous life styles? What if we abolished private property? At the first glance, the exhibition shows versions of conventional parlor games. But in action, they transform into experimental environments, allowing us to explore alternative realities and possible futures. Board and card games are used to provoke a change of perspective and to (pre-)experience speculative technological innovations and social rules. We are playing with organizations in different times and contexts. We are playing with viewpoints and attitudes. We are playing society.

 Thursday, 23 January 2014, 7pm
    Foyer, Einsteinufer 43, Panel discussion about the topic “Games as a method”

    Exhibition:  24 January – 13 February 2014
    Tuesday–Friday: 10am–7pm, Foyer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43

    Kora KimpelMarcel-André Casasola MerkleFriedrich Kirschner, and others After the discussion, there will be test games, music, drinks and snacks.

    Every Thursday the games’ inventors and developers and pre∆lab are hosting: 4–6pm workshops, 6–7pm lectures and starting at 7pm with moderated test games focused on the following topics:

    30 January 2014
    Tragedy, Comedy and other Stories – Playing with Tales

    06 February 2014
    Agitate, Propagate, Persuade – Playing with Viewpoints

    13 February 2014
    Strange Worlds, Distant Times – Playing the Unknown

    All lectures are given in German language.

    Please register for interactive game sessions and workshops one week in advance of each session at info@preenaction.de.

    Closing event: Thursday, 13 February 2014 
    from 8.15 pm: UdK Game Slam
    UdK professors, fellows and students are performing stories, dispute and future visions live on stage – the best game-based slam wins.

    More information at:

    Game prototypes by BA and MA students of the UdK course “Communication in Social and Economic Contexts”

    pre∆lab & Klaus Gasteier, Daniela Kuka, Timothee Ingen-Housz, Christian Blümelhuber


    Installation Vorhänge: Francisco Rozas, Master Studium „Kunst im Kontext”, UdK Berlin



