A prime example is the work of the campaign WASH United. WASH United is an initiative on the subjects of football and hygienic access to drinking water and sanitation in Africa, and has generated worldwide attention.
Prof. David Skopec, professor for the „Designing Visual Systems“ course in Visual Communication at the University of Arts Berlin, will talk about his work as a communication designer.
and Sören Bruhn ( WASH UNITED )
Moderation: Christina Gradl (Endeva)
Talks in German
Stefanie Klein
of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), illustrates creative approaches to reach worldwide audiences through selected examples of communication in development projects.
In a globalized world, one can find many clear answers to the question of what good communication is. But what happens when attempting to reach audiences, who have very different needs and requirements? Cultural sensitivities and illiteracy are two of the challenges which need to be overcome when approaching poorer populations in developing and emerging countries. How do you distribute a health insurance card for the entire population of India, how do you convince the kids in the slums of African mega-cities to washing their hands or how do you convince Indonesians that micro-insurance is important to them? Using practical examples from the International Cooperation shows the GIC, the role of graphic design and communication play.
While still a student e-business, Stefanie Klein worked in a small web agency in the field of political communication. Since switching to the GIC she puts her heart and soul in the mediation of development policy. Currently in the GIC, she serves as communication point and collects samples for addressing target groups that are only now coming in focus.
Prof. David Skopec
– Designer, Editor, Academic and Professor on the subject “Designing Visual Systems” in the Visual Communication course at the University of Arts Berlin, will show examples from his work as a communication designer. For more than two decades he has been working in the field of visual communication: creating identities, designing information and interfaces of various kinds. Most of his work is related to knowledge-driven institutions and topics. Among his clients are financial services, publishers, architects, scientific and cultural institutions. He earned his diploma in the early 1990s with a substantial work on ISOTYPE and innovative strategies in visualizing information by using digital media. “Working on these topics taught me to sharpen my focus on the views of my clients and their tasks, rather than on the superficial aesthetics and annoying ideologies. Because of their ubiquitous implicitness, endless discussions on the future of media and technology have become a matter of minor importance. Analogue, digital – digital, analogue are useless determinations if we regard design as a discipline of facing problems and finding solutions”