As last time during the Pecha Kucha Night at designtransfer, participants present their projects, concepts and visions from different areas of design. Pecha Kucha is a fast forward presentation style with strict rules: A Pecha Kucha presentation consists of 20 images, each being presented within 20 seconds. The speaker explains his pictures in exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds time.
Lectures on the 12th may 2015
Doors open 7.30 pm
Start 8.20 pm
Foyer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43
Dariya Susak
United Untitled. Das Media-Kunst Projekt.
Sam Muirhead
Why we need an Open Source Circular Economy (in english)
Florian Hadler
Streng geheim
Aleksandra Solinska
Fresh Design – Young Europe about Design(in english)
Fred Meier-Menzel
Vom Aktmodell zur Aktivistin
Gregory Quinn
Pneumatische Aufrichtung von Gitterschalen
Shirin Mirachor
Michael Bukowski
Akkurater Widerstand
Florian Alexander Schmidt
The Design of Creative Crowdwork
Tamara Danilov
Female Fixed Gear Culture in Berlin (in english)