3D Printing from Algorithms to Lemon Squeezer
Projects from the UdK Berlin, curated by designtransfer
This Pop up exhibition at the Arts and Crafts Museum, Berlin, is in cooperation with designtransfer, UdK Berlin. It gives an insight into experiments, prototypes and production processes in 3D printing from UdK students and alumni over the recent years – from individualised shoes, glasses and sport bras to educational ceramic printers and filigree mesh structures.
The projects explore design possibilities of the digital technology with algorithms and scripts, traditional crafts, new materials, applications and typologies.
with Eric Esser, Joana Schmitz & Denis Risse, Yair Kira, Daniel Valencia Ferrá, Cindy Valdez, Vlasta Kubušová & Miroslav Král (crafting plastics! studio), Sophia Guggenberger, Cathryn McAnespy, Takuya Koyama & Kohei Kimura & Mizuki Tanaka, Laureanne Kootstra
Talks “In Progress – The Design Digitalisation”:
17 January, 18:00
Speakers: Alexander Friend – Gillette, Yair Kira – UdK Berlin, Markus Mau/Aeneas Stankowski – SAME, Joana Schmitz – UdK Berlin, Wolfgang Seeger – ExOne, Stefanus Stahl – BMW, Silvia Weidenbach MA RCA, London, Babette Wiezorek – Additive Addicted, Moderation: Jan Wertel & Gernot Oberfell, Claudia Banz
Opening: 17 January, 20:00
Exhibition until 24 February
The talks and exhibition take place at the Museum of Decorative Arts, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin.
more Infos: