What potential can we find in merging modern production methods, with traditional Japanese wood joinery? In the context of a student workshop at gallery designtransfer between the 15 – 30.11.18, students of the the architecture course Digital and Experimental Design will develop an atmospheric installation piece. The work will consist of CNC machined wooden elements; the idea being to consider a relationship between craft, and digital practice. The results will be shown at designtransfer at the opening 30 November 18:00, beginning with an open panel discussion, in cooperation with the German-Japanese Center Berlin.
Also on display are “eGambiarra”, a project by Takuya Koyama, Kohei Kimura and Mizuki Tanaka, the installation “Joyn Machine” by Studio Milz and the plug-in system “Wood Aggregate” by Dominik Bartkowski and Natalia Stepanova.
Opening and Discussion: 30 November, 18:00
Mitsumasa Fujitsuka, photographer, Tōkyō
Ludwig Heimbach, architect and 2016 artist in residence of the Goethe Institute in the Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto
Kay Fingerle, architect and photographer
Moderation: Guest Prof. Sven Pfeiffer, Digital and Experimental Design of the Faculty of Architecture, UdK Berlin
The discussion will be held in German.
Exhibition: 03-07 December, 10:00–18:00
Students: Itirit Hatairatana, Yao Huan, Jakob Klein, Matthias Pabst, Lorenz Sedelmayr, Franz Siebler, Daria Skorokhod
Course: Norbert Palz, Sven Pfeiffer, Christian Schmidts, Mads Frandsen, Vanessa Stark, Luise von Zimmermann
External Advisers: Kay Fingerle, Ludwig Heimbach
In cooperation with the Japanese-German Center Berlin.
Exhibition opening”Japan’s masterpieces of wooden architecture”: 29 November 2018, 19:00, Exhibition: 30.11.2018 – 08.01.2019
Japanese-German Center Berlin, Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin
Opening hours: Mo-Thu (10:00–17:00), Fr (10:00–15:30)
Japanese-German Center Berlin.