Friday, 24 April 2015
5.30pm: Gender-Design-Talk with:
Michelle Christensen (Master Integrated Design, PhD student, Design Research Lab, UdK Berlin), Fred Meier-Menzel (former professor of the German University Cairo, design researcher, Berlin) and Dr. Barbara Sandow (department of Physics, FU Berlin)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Uta Brandes (Professor for Gender & Design, Köln International School of Design, chairperson of the international Gender Design Network/iGDN)
7pm: Opening of the exhibition BLUE + PINK >>> RETHINK! of the iGDN and an introduction of the theme “Gender und Design” by Prof. Uta Brandes as well as projects by students of the UdK Berlin of the seminar “Gender Troublers” by the media artist Annie Goh
Exhibition: 28 April –15 May 2015, Tue–Fr, 10am–6pm Uhr,
closed bank holidays 1. & 14. May
Gender-sensitive and gender-insensitive design products confronting with one another were selected by internationally renowned designers including Matali Crasset, Alessandro Mendini, Joséphine Choquet, Anthony Dunne, Douglas Young (G.O.D.), Mateo Kries (Vitra Design Museum),
Alexa Lixfeld… They could choose either one of their own pieces or products by other designers or manufacturers.
The international Gender Design Network unites designers and design experts from all over the world and from all areas of design. It sees itself as an open network for everyone working in, with, or for design. We believe that the world is designed and that design is a substantial part of our everyday life. The impact of gender on the processes of design, production, distribution and use, however, is still hugely underestimated. Studies have shown that also design professionals, deliberately or unintentionally, transport their “gender” in their design. The international Gender Design Network not only aims to raise awareness of social gendering in design, but also to comment on these issues in a critical, open, and public way. We strive for changes towards accepting and supporting diversity, towards a gender-sensitive and gender-appropriate design in both theory and practice.