• In Your Face

    People affected by discrimination often find themselves in situations that force them to defend themselves. How can anti-racist experience, practice and know-how be designed and passed on?
    The course „In your Face“ is a cooperation between professor Franziska Morlok „Grundlagen und Prozesses des Entwerfen“ and the project „Kein schöner Archiv“ by Michael Annoff und Nuray Demir. It preserves the intangible heritage of the postmigrant society.

    Other than museum objects, intangible heritage cannot be presented in a showcase – with an installation inside of the designtransfer showcase, the collaboration addressed this contradiction.

    An installation by Momo Anders, Su Durakbasa, Engy El-Shenawy, Paula Besser, Ileana Noh & Ana Terzieva

    Installation in Outside Showcase: 20 July – 22 September 2023, 24/7

    Opening, 19 July, 19:00

    „In your Face“ ist part of the project „Kein schöner Archiv: Selbst-Verteidigung!“, funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.