UdK’s Product Design Master’s Class of 2023 is thrilled to invite you to this year’s graduation show, “Re_”. Inspired by the eponymous English prefix, the exhibition will showcase a body of work from nine graduates who rethink, reimagine, and reconstruct the way design could intervene in complex concerns such as environment, technology, consumption, and wellness. Instead of feeding more unchecked product innovations into the market of the Anthropocene, “Re_” proposes a more socially conscious and critical approach to design.
Opening: 29. September 2023, 18:00 – 22:00
Exhibition: 30. September 2023, 12:00–18:00
Part of the exhibition until 16 October, Mon-Fri, 10:00 – 18:00
bank holidays closed
with Yuhang Han, Jing Jin, Pauline Baron-Bossauer, Andres Matthiess, Emma Tietze, Max Hausmann, Hao Xu, Linda Elsner, Lukas Henneberger
Thanks to Mario Feo for the photos.