The hoodie is a changeable garment, but where does the change begin and what are its limits?
This installation shows selected semester projects of the Bachelor Fashion Design course.
In three semester projects of the summer semester 2021, the students looked at the hoodie as a garment from different perspectives. The focus of the seminars was on materiality, craftsmanship and theoretical analysis, among other things, which gave the students an in-depth insight into the topic.
On 6 July, a jury chose three hoodies as the winners of this competition.
The jury consisted of
Thibaud Guyonnet (Head of Buying Voo Store),
Maria Hunstig (Journalistin für Vogue Online),
Michaela Conen und Insa Ruckdeschel (UdK Marketing Department),
sowie Designerin & Alumna der UdK: Kasia Kurcharska.
The jury selected one hoodie from each semester and awarded prize money of 333 euros to each of the winners.
A selection of hoodies will be sold through the UdK Shop during the Rundgang 2021 (29 to 31 October). The purchase will go directly to the designers.