Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler form Studio mischer‘traxler. Balancing between hand craft and technology, they design objects, alternative production methods, interactive installations and more with a focus on experiments and conceptual thinking within a given context. After graduating from the IM-masters department at the Design Academy Eindhoven and several years of collaboration, Katharina and Thomas founded Studio mischer‘traxler in Vienna in 2009. mischer‘traxler will give insight into some of their projects and explain how and why, natural components, biological influences and nature as source of inspiration are recurring themes in their work.
This talk intends to explore the role that design and designers will play within the emergent panorama of the technological redesign of nature. What is natural and what is artificial? Can we really differentiate between them? Ultimately, aren’t we all the product of carefully cherry picked genetic selection?
Cohen van Balen
Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen run a London based experimental practice that produces fictional objects, photographs, performances and videos exploring the tensions between biology and technology. Inspired by designer species, composed wilderness and mechanical organs, they set out to create posthuman bodies, bespoke metabolisms, unnatural animals and poetic machines.
The talk will be about the way they re-appropriate organisms, processes and systems to create work that questions the context in which these materials and processes operate.
Wednesday, 08 May 2013, 7pm
designtransfer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43