Susana Soares
explores the implications of the current technological redesign of nature, often incorporating living beings into holistic projects that rely on natural cycles, harnessed towards new functions. Her projects involve developing collaborative frameworks between design and emerging scientific research. She employs “design to transcend its traditional boundaries to explore future technological implications for public engagement and awareness.
This talk intends to explore the role that design and designers will play within the emergent panorama of the technological redesign of nature.
What is natural and what is artificial? Can we really differentiate between them? Ultimately, aren’t we all the product of carefully cherry picked genetic selection?
Stefan Schwabe is leading the mechatronics workshop at UdK Berlin and working as self-employed artist and designer in his studio in Schmalkalden/ Thüringen.
Passionate about understanding what we perceive as natural or artificial, he is exploring the notion of soulfulness in relation to our perception of artefacts, material culture and second nature. The talk will cover the gamut from everyday objects and mechanic automata, that appear animate, to artefacts of second nature, which are indeed considered as being alive.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013, 7pm
designtransfer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43