Exhibition & Talk
How can the reality of depression and anxiety be communicated to those who are not directly affected?
This question does not only concern the 8.7 million depression patients in Germany; it is also the starting point of the exhibition concept and founding project of Johanna Dreyer, Nele Groeger and Luisa Weyrich; three graduates of the UdK Master program in Social and Economic Communication.
The SHITSHOW explores an answer that relies less on the ambiguity of linguistic signs, and more on the actual physical experience of the individual. As an exhibition, Awareness-Tool and “embodied care“, the master project of the three recipients of the Creative Prototyping Scholarship is nowhere better located than at the intersection between design, communication and psychology. Through so-called ’Emotion-Simulators’, a series of objects which can be explored on, and with the body. Developed in collaboration with Pauline Schlautmann (Produktdesign UdK), chosen psychosomatic symptoms of depression and anxiety are made accessible to those not suffering.
In addition to questions about a new language of feelings, SHITSHOW touches on a form of prevention focusing less on individual self-help, and instead on community facilitated prevention.
Opening: Thursday, 05 July 2018, 18:00
with the founders of the SHITSHOW and scholars of the Creative Prototyping Stipendiums: Johanna Dreyer, Nele Groeger und Luisa Weyrich
Keynote by Prof. Dr. Michael Häfner, Kommunikationspsychologe and Karin Deckner, Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Institut für Theorie und Praxis der Kommunikation, UdK Berlin
Exhibition: 06 July, 09 July and 10 July 2018, 12:00–18:00
designtransfer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin